Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mama Lena's Pizzeria -- Chicken Tender Sandwich

On the way back from Portsmouth one day recently, I figured I'd get something to eat just before I hit 101 in Stratham. On my left was a shopping plaza with a Burger King, a pizza place, and a Chinese place.

I needed something better than Burger King, the Chinese place was closed, so choice number three was this place: Mama Lena's Pizzeria.

This is a fairly typical "pizza and related Italian-American-esque food located in a shopping plaza" establishment.

Not sure what to say other than that. My meal, a chicken tender sandwich, was fairly mundane. Not good, not bad, not really anything other than breaded chicken in a bun.
I think the most memorable part of my experience here was that Slovakia beat Italy in the World Cup on this place's large television and a kid sitting in the next table over wondered "where is Slovakia?" For those of you who don't know, Slovakia is the eastern half of what was once Czechoslovakia, just south of Poland.

Meal: Chicken Tender Sandwich
Price: $8.32
Speed of Service: 5 minutes
Time of Day: 10:30 PM, Weekday

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