Sunday, January 16, 2011

Toyko Steakhouse -- Sushi

In retrospect, i'm wondering if I should have gotten Teppanyaki at the Tokyo Steakhouse in Peabody than the Sushi I ordered.

I'm not saying that it was bad, but I think that I was looking for more on that day, and this meal probably would been decent on most days, but for today it seemed to be a bit too little.

My meal consisted of four Maki rolls: an Idaho Maki (tempura sweet potatoes), Oshinko Maki, Cucumber Maki and a Seaweed Salad Maki. I'd probably rate them in that order. Not sure if there's much else to say, it was good, not great, but not bad. Service wasn't particularly good or bad, ambiance was fairly neutral, everything here was pretty plain.

The only memorable thing was the parking, which was a problem, as this place is stuck inside an overcrowded mini-mall, and maybe it was a particularly bad weekend, but I lucked out from having to drive around for 20 minutes to find a space.

Meal: Sushi (Idaho Maki, Oshinko Maki, Cucumber Maki, Seaweed Salad Maki)
Price: $20.00
Time of Meal: 1:30 PM, Weekend
Speed of Service: 10 minutes

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