Monday, April 26, 2010

Thon Khao

It's somewhat amazing to me that I haven't reviewed Thon Khao before now.

Driving down Amherst Street, it's easy to miss in the maze of strip malls and U-turns. Right across from Building 19, this restaurant is one of Southern New Hampshire's culinary treasures, and you're doing yourself a misservice if you don't go there at least once if you live in the Nashua area.

Today's meal there was Larb, just as I had a week or two ago down the street at Changmai. But as you can see from the camera phone shots both here and on the Changmai Larb, the Larb at Thon Khao is much more flavorful and textured. It's also about two bucks cheaper.

It's also spicier, but not so spicy that it can't be eaten by most people unless coriander and lime is too piquant for you.

The service is excellent, and there are plenty of other good choices that I will be heading back there to share with you in the future.

Meal: Larb
Price: $8.95
Time of Day: 11:30 AM
Speed of Service: 10 minutes (sit down)

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