Sunday, April 18, 2010

The best (and easiest) spinanch artichoke dip ever

Adapted from "The New Blueberry Hill Cookbook".

Until about a year ago making my own spinach artichoke dip had never crossed my mind. This recipe has made it my go-to bring-an-appetizer party dish. I just made it this morning for a political event my mother is attending.

-2 cans artichokes (just plain, in water)
-Mayonnaise (Before I married an Eastern-European guy, I stayed away from this stuff, but it is surprisingly versatile.)
-Fresh Parmesan cheese
-A handful or two of spinach
-Sliced almonds

Preheat over to 350 F (Funny story: The the other day my DH got a recipe from his mom (who is European) and when cooking it he  INSISTED the potatoes be cooked at 175 degrees. I tried to explain to him that 175 is not hot at all but he didn't listen. Turns out, he meant 175 Celsius... which is about 347 in Fahrenheit. Oopsie.)

Take your artichokes, mayonnaise (to taste, really... I'd say a few tablespoons), cheese and spinach and put it in a food processor. Blend until creamy. Taste it. Add more mayonnaise. Add more cheese. Blend. Taste again. Continue to do this until you are satisfied.

Bake for about 30 minutes or until hot in a glass baking dish. Sprinkle with more cheese and almonds. Serve with french bread, chips or crackers. So easy! So good!

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