Monday, June 28, 2010

Sake - Sushi

I have traveled all across this state, and there are few, if any places that serve sushi that can hold a candle to Sake in Portsmouth.

Take for example the Ume-shiso roll (on the upper left hand side of the photo). An Ume-shiso roll is a mixture of a paste from ume, or pickled plums, and leaves from the Perilla plant, which are called "shiso", or literally "stems" in Japan because of their long stems, but are also known as beefsteak leaves.

When made well, the ume is very bitter, creating a huge contrast with the sharp mint like flavor of the shiso. Most sushi places in New Hampshire do not serve Ume-shiso. The ones that do generally only do an adequate job. Sake not only does it superlatively, but it is one of the least expensive items on their menu, under $4, which is generally where most sushi restaurants put their "budget" items.

That is Sake in a nutshell. Their budget items are in a higher league than nearly everything else in the state. Their higher priced stuff would not be out of place in Manhattan.

The problem on this visit was the waitress. She got me order wrong, and was kind of snooty, but it was worth the wait because the food is that damn good.

Meal: Tempura California Roll, Ume-Shiso Roll, and Green River Roll
Price: $16.62
Speed of Service: 20 minutes
Time of Meal: 2:15 PM, Weekday

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