Saturday, June 26, 2010

Taipei and Tokyo -- Hunan Chicken and Oshinko Roll

Taipei and Toyko just across the Manchester line in Bedford is a peculiar customer when it comes to the divide between fancy versus mom and pop American-Chinese restaurants. When you look at the staff or location or decor, it's hard to tell which side of that divide they fall into.

They offer Chinese and Japanese dishes, so I figured it was fair to try one of both. And the Hunan Chicken and Oshinko Roll was somewhere between decent and above average.

I would say the only significant problems foodwise were the portion size and the price. If I had gotten a little bit more food though, i'd say neither was really a problem.

In terms of the incidentals, there were a few minor issues. The wait was fairly long, even for dinner time, and especially for the fact that some of the wait staff seemed to be on their break.

I also saw that the people at the table next to me got better chopsticks than I did. That's not a huge deal, but it made me feel as though I was not as important as those other people in the restaurant's eyes.

To be honest, I could not get a good read on this place, but I didn't get a bad one for certain.

Meal: Hunan Chicken and Oshinko Roll
Price: $16.66
Speed of Service: 20 minutes
Time of Day: 7:15 PM, Weekend

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